Phoenix IT


New OpenSSH Vulnerability Exposes Linux Systems to Remote Command Injection

New OpenSSH Vulnerability Exposes Linux Systems to Remote Command Injection

Details have emerged about a now-patched flaw in OpenSSH that could be potentially exploited to run arbitrary commands remotely on compromised hosts under specific conditions. “This vulnerability allows a remote attacker to potentially execute arbitrary commands on vulnerable OpenSSH’s forwarded ssh-agent,” Saeed Abbasi, manager of vulnerability research at Qualys, said in an analysis last week. The vulnerability

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Apple Threatens to Pull iMessage and FaceTime from U.K. Amid Surveillance Demands

Apple Threatens to Pull iMessage and FaceTime from U.K. Amid Surveillance Demands

Apple has warned that it would rather stop offering iMessage and FaceTime services in the U.K. than bowing down to government pressure in response to new proposals that seek to expand digital surveillance powers available to state intelligence agencies. The development, first reported by BBC News, makes the iPhone maker the latest to join the chorus of

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Azure AD Token Forging Technique in Microsoft Attack Extends Beyond Outlook, Wiz Reports

Azure AD Token Forging Technique in Microsoft Attack Extends Beyond Outlook, Wiz Reports

The recent attack against Microsoft’s email infrastructure by a Chinese nation-state actor referred to as Storm-0558 is said to have a broader scope than previously thought. According to cloud security company Wiz, the inactive Microsoft account (MSA) consumer signing key used to forge Azure Active Directory (Azure AD or AAD) tokens to gain illicit access to Outlook

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HotRat: New Variant of AsyncRAT Malware Spreading Through Pirated Software

HotRat: New Variant of AsyncRAT Malware Spreading Through Pirated Software

A new variant of AsyncRAT malware dubbed HotRat is being distributed via free, pirated versions of popular software and utilities such as video games, image and sound editing software, and Microsoft Office. “HotRat malware equips attackers with a wide array of capabilities, such as stealing login credentials, cryptocurrency wallets, screen capturing, keylogging, installing more malware, and gaining access to

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