The North Korea-linked threat actor known as Kimsuky (aka Black Banshee, Emerald Sleet, or Springtail) has been observed shifting its tactics, leveraging Compiled HTML Help (CHM) files as vectors to deliver malware for harvesting sensitive data. Kimsuky, active since at least 2012, is known to target entities located in South Korea as well as North America, Asia,
Read MoreThe WINELOADER backdoor used in recent cyber attacks targeting diplomatic entities with wine-tasting phishing lures has been attributed as the handiwork of a hacking group with links to Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), which was responsible for breaching SolarWinds and Microsoft. The findings come from Mandiant, which said Midnight Blizzard (aka APT29, BlueBravo, or Cozy Bear) used the
Read MoreCybersecurity researchers have detected a new wave of phishing attacks that aim to deliver an ever-evolving information stealer referred to as StrelaStealer. The campaigns impact more than 100 organizations in the E.U. and the U.S., Palo Alto Networks Unit 42 researchers said in a new report published today. “These campaigns come in the form of spam
Read MoreA China-linked threat cluster leveraged security flaws in Connectwise ScreenConnect and F5 BIG-IP software to deliver custom malware capable of delivering additional backdoors on compromised Linux hosts as part of an “aggressive” campaign. Google-owned Mandiant is tracking the activity under its uncategorized moniker UNC5174 (aka Uteus or Uetus), describing it as a “former member of Chinese hacktivist collectives that
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