The Indian government has published a draft version of the Digital Personal Data Protection (DPDP) Rules for public consultation. “Data fiduciaries must provide clear and accessible information about how personal data is processed, enabling informed consent,” India’s Press Information Bureau (PIB) said in a statement released Sunday. “Citizens are empowered with rights to demand data erasure, appoint digital nominees,
Read MoreAn Android information stealing malware named FireScam has been found masquerading as a premium version of the Telegram messaging app to steal data and maintain persistent remote control over compromised devices. “Disguised as a fake ‘Telegram Premium’ app, it is distributed through a phishing site that impersonates RuStore – a popular app store in the Russian
Read MoreA high-severity security flaw has been disclosed in ProjectDiscovery’s Nuclei, a widely-used open-source vulnerability scanner that, if successfully exploited, could allow attackers to bypass signature checks and potentially execute malicious code. Tracked as CVE-2024-43405, it carries a CVSS score of 7.4 out of a maximum of 10.0. It impacts all versions of Nuclei later than 3.0.0. “The
Read MoreIn the past year, cross-domain attacks have gained prominence as an emerging tactic among adversaries. These operations exploit weak points across multiple domains – including endpoints, identity systems and cloud environments – so the adversary can infiltrate organizations, move laterally and evade detection. eCrime groups like SCATTERED SPIDER and North Korea-nexus adversaries such as FAMOUS CHOLLIMA exemplify the use of cross-domain
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