The threat actor known as Cloud Atlas has been observed using a previously undocumented malware called VBCloud as part of its cyber attack campaigns targeting “several dozen users” in 2024. “Victims get infected via phishing emails containing a malicious document that exploits a vulnerability in the formula editor (CVE-2018-0802) to download and execute malware code,” Kaspersky researcher
Read MoreCybersecurity researchers are warning about a spike in malicious activity that involves roping vulnerable D-Link routers into two different botnets, a Mirai variant dubbed FICORA and a Kaiten (aka Tsunami) variant called CAPSAICIN. “These botnets are frequently spread through documented D-Link vulnerabilities that allow remote attackers to execute malicious commands via a GetDeviceSettings action on the HNAP (Home Network
Read MoreCybersecurity researchers have discovered several security flaws in the cloud management platform developed by Ruijie Networks that could permit an attacker to take control of the network appliances. “These vulnerabilities affect both the Reyee platform, as well as Reyee OS network devices,” Claroty researchers Noam Moshe and Tomer Goldschmidt said in a recent analysis. “The vulnerabilities, if
Read MoreThe Apache Software Foundation (ASF) has shipped security updates to address a critical security flaw in Traffic Control that, if successfully exploited, could allow an attacker to execute arbitrary Structured Query Language (SQL) commands in the database. The SQL injection vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2024-45387, is rated 9.9 out of 10.0 on the CVSS scoring system. “An
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