Google has announced plans to add support for quantum-resistant encryption algorithms in its Chrome browser, starting with version 116. “Chrome will begin supporting X25519Kyber768 for establishing symmetric secrets in TLS, starting in Chrome 116, and available behind a flag in Chrome 115,” Devon O’Brien said in a post published Thursday. Kyber was chosen by the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Institute of
Read MoreA hitherto undocumented threat actor operating for nearly a decade and codenamed MoustachedBouncer has been attributed to cyber espionage attacks aimed at foreign embassies in Belarus. “Since 2020, MoustachedBouncer has most likely been able to perform adversary-in-the-middle (AitM) attacks at the ISP level, within Belarus, in order to compromise its targets,” ESET security researcher Matthieu Faou said, describing
Read MoreIn today’s interconnected world, evolving security solutions to meet growing demand is more critical than ever. Collaboration across multiple solutions for intelligence gathering and information sharing is indispensable. The idea of multiple-source intelligence gathering stems from the concept that threats are rarely isolated. Hence, their detection and prevention require a comprehensive understanding of the broader
Read MoreManaged Detection and Response (MDR) has emerged as a crucial solution for organizations looking to bolster their security measures. MDR allows businesses to outsource the management of Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) products deployed across their network domain. With real-time threat-hunting capabilities, MDR services detect and mitigate malicious activities on individual endpoints while promptly alerting the
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